Innovation Management
We promote the appropriation of innovation as a tool for business transformation and growth. Our offer starts from the identification of needs and/or market opportunities, to the consolidation of innovation management systems or units within companies. For this we handle the components of:

Lines of I+D+i units
This line offers support for the preparation of the company in its presentation to MinCiencias, with the objective of achieving recognition of the R&D&I unit, with a focus on:
- Research
- Technological Development
- Innovation – I+D+i

Business Innovation Systems Line
This line offers specialized consulting in the design, development and implementation of the innovation management system, facilitating the identification of innovation opportunities and materializing them in innovation projects framed in the launching of new products, new processes, new forms of organization or new business units. Our offer allows companies to identify challenges or strategic gaps, assign and establish teams and work resources, design a portfolio and innovation projects, appropriate the methodologies required for them and finally generate a network of allies to strengthen the process.

Special Projects Line
This line offers accompaniment and technical and specialized advice to companies in the formulation of special projects, which allow them to access different benefits that have the instruments of public policy of CTeI, such as:
- Tax Benefit Projects, with which the entrepreneur can access benefits from 25% to 40% of the R&D&I investments made in a given period.
- I+D+i projects, with which it can access non-reimbursable co-financing resources available through the different calls of the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation.

Transformative Innovation Line
This line offers support in the development of programs focused on actions that improve the quality of life of communities through science, technology and innovation, and contribute to social, environmental and economic benefits.